Murray Brewster reports that the UKUSA community is concerned about the alleged Russian spy who worked in the TRINITY Joint Ocean Surveillance and Intelligence Centre ("Expert: Spy case worries military," Canadian Press, 26 January 2012):
I picture the dialogue going something like this:
"We're shocked -- shocked! -- to find spying going on in this relationship!"
"Your intercepts, sir."
"Thank you."
Some might argue that those who live in glass houses shouldn't throw fake rocks. But that would be churlish.
For the reoord, I do not approve in any way of Canadians, in uniform or otherwise, who provide our secrets to foreign powers.
Brewster goes on to say the following about CSE:
As usual, we await answers.
...a defence source said "consternation and choice words" have been directed at Russia through the back channels of nations involved in signals intelligence co-operation under the United Kingdom — United States of America Agreement, a 65-year-old pact that counts Britain, the U.S., Canada, Australia, and New Zealand among its members.

"We're shocked -- shocked! -- to find spying going on in this relationship!"
"Your intercepts, sir."
"Thank you."
Some might argue that those who live in glass houses shouldn't throw fake rocks. But that would be churlish.
For the reoord, I do not approve in any way of Canadians, in uniform or otherwise, who provide our secrets to foreign powers.
Brewster goes on to say the following about CSE:
The focus on computers raises the spectre that the highly secret Canadian [sic] Security Establishment could be at risk. That agency, which operates at arms-length from the military and the country’s spy service, provides electronic eavesdropping and communications intercepts to the federal government and allies under the UKUSA agreement.It's not clear to me what Brewster means when he writes that CSE "could be at risk". SIGINT product may have been provided to the Russians? Sources and methods may have been put at risk? The effort to rebrand the Communications Security Establishment as the Communications Security Establishment Canada has been an epic fail?
As usual, we await answers.
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