Thursday, June 09, 2011

70 years of cryptanalysis

XU staff, 1942

Today, June 9th, 2011, is the 70th anniversary of cryptanalysis in Canada.

Canada's first cryptanalytic agency, the Examination Unit, began operations on 9 June 1941. Shown above, the XU staff in mid-1942. Oliver Strachey, a British cryptanalyst seconded from GC&CS to replace Herbert Yardley as head of the XU, is seated in the third row from the front, second from left.

More information about the XU here:

This date in history: XU began operations

XU approved

Herbert O. Yardley

And a bit on the more recent (although now out of date) history of cryptanalysis in this country:

The fall and rise of cryptanalysis at CSE


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