In the news: CFS Alert
But as far as I can tell this does not in any way mean that the future of Canadian Forces Station Alert is on the line. The Atmospheric Environment Service weather station at Alert (see photo below) is a separate facility located adjacent to the Canadian Forces Station. Originally one of several Canada-US Joint Arctic Weather Stations built in the Canadian North during the early days of the Cold War, the Alert weather station began operations in 1950, six years before the RCAF opened the experimental SIGINT site that later became CFS Alert.
What would endanger the weather station is a decision by DND to shut down CFS Alert. The weather folks have come to depend pretty heavily on the Canadian Forces for transportation and infrastructure at Alert, and it is conceivable that Environment Canada might choose to abandon the site if it had to provide all those services on its own.
But to the best of my knowledge DND is not considering closing CFS Alert. Osama and his boys are probably not about to sneak over the Arctic Ocean by dog sled, but I doubt there is any shortage of other SIGINT targets to keep Alert's antennas busy at the moment.
[Update: 3 May 2006
CBC News reported in April (Costly fuel prompts cuts at northern military station, CBC News, 13 April 2006) that an unspecified number of military jobs at Alert would be replaced by civilian contractors because of "rising fuel costs". At the same time, however, Major Gioseph Anello told CBC that some facilities at Alert are being modernized: "We are recapitalizing. We are rationalizing to provide better sustainability up in Alert." The clear implication is that CFS Alert will not be closing anytime soon. The changes are presumably the result of the CFS Alert Modernization Project, which began in January 2003.
Update II: 7 May 2006
More on developments at Alert (Nathan VanderKlippe, "Military downsizes Arctic spy outpost", Edmonton Journal, 5 May 2006).]
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