Stations of the past: Gloucester
Jerry Proc has produced another great compilation of history, photos, anecdotes, and other information about one of the Royal Canadian Navy SIGINT stations: the latest one covers HMCS Gloucester, which operated from 1943 to 1972.
Initially known as No. 1 Station HMCS Bytown, the Gloucester station was built as a high-frequency direction-finding station tracking U-Boats in the North Atlantic. Later known as Naval Radio Station Gloucester, HMCS Gloucester, and finally CFS Gloucester, the station continued its HFDF role into the Cold War period. In 1948 it also became the training school for the Communications Special trade. The station also hosted the headquarters of the RCN's Supplementary Radio System. The station closed in 1972, at which time the CFSRS training school was moved to Kingston. Only the former gymnasium at the station still stands, now serving as the Greely Legion Hall.
Go to the HMCS Gloucester page for more details of the story. Jerry Proc's other pages are also well worth checking out.
Go to the HMCS Gloucester page for more details of the story. Jerry Proc's other pages are also well worth checking out.